Conduct of Research & Research Integrity Network

The Conduct of Research & Research Integrity Network is a platform for examining research integrity and research governance in Australasia. Topics range from principles and responsibilities related to responsible conduct in research, negotiating authorship, conflict of interest management, managing research data, developing research governance frameworks and developing educational programs and tools for the promotion of responsible research. A key focus is to bring together research professionals involved in managing investigations of alleged research misconduct and questionable research practices to share ideas, training materials, policies and processes.

ARMS members who are interested in participating in the activities of the Network are invited to join the Ethics & Research Integrity SIG via their member profile. Members can then take part in peer discussions, share resources and news items and participate in bench marking amongst institutions.

Workshops on the conduct of research, in particular on implementing the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, are a regular feature at ARMS conferences.

In addition, the SIG collaborates with key national stakeholders to deliver these workshops locally, including workshops specifically aimed at Research Integrity Advisors.

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