I am currently the Associate Director of Major Initiatives, Contracts and Grants at The University of Melbourne, having previously been the Manager of the Health and Medical Grants team. I also spent 18 months as the Acting Director of the office.
I have a background in the biological sciences (M.Sc. 1998) and prior to my time at The University of Melbourne spent time leading the Research Program at the National Heart Foundation (a research funding agency) distributing over $13 p.a. in research funding. I have also worked in research, conducting both academic and commercial biomedical research. You can find further infomation about me here: www.linkedin.com/in/frankanastasopoulos.
As a result I have an understanding of research support services from the point of view of a researcher, administrator, research sponsor and industry. This experience is critical to my ability to inform strategy, translate strategy into effective change and manage stakeholder relationships.
I have been an active contributor to ARMS SIGs and at ARMS conferences, having presented on several occasions and have been a vocal supporter of the ARMS within my employing organizations. However, apart for a period of approximately 2 years as the Corporate Lead for ARMS at The University of Melbourne, my involvement in the management and origination of ARMS itself has been limited.
I would like to change that and use my knowledge and experience to help ARMS negotiate what I suspect will be a very challenging two years.
I am therefore nominating for the position of General Board Member.
I also have a particular interest in Strategic Priorities 2 (Promotion of the Profession), 3 (Creating Communities of Practice) and 5 (Innovation in Research Management). These areas will become increasingly important over the next few years and that it is, in my view, critical that ARMS continue to focus on these priorities while exploring any new opportunities that may emerge.