Leadership, Management and Strategic Thinking Program - 2024

12:00pm Wednesday, 10 July 2024
3:30pm Wednesday, 28 August 2024
ELAP - Leadership Program

Leadership, Management and Strategic Thinking Program

This elective is delivered over five (5) partial days:

  1. Wednesday 10 July 2024, 12:00PM - 3:30 PM AEST
  2. Friday 12 July 2024, 12:00PM - 3:30PM AEST
  3. Wednesday 31 July 2024, 12:00PM - 3:30 PM AEST
  4. Friday 02 August 2024, 12:00PM - 3:30PM AEST
  5. Wednesday 28 August 2024, 12:00PM - 3:30 PM AEST

Participants are required to attend all (5) sessions.


Dr Lesley Ashton, Quovadis Consulting Australia

Program Description:

Leaders and emerging leaders in research management have a significant impact on those around them and on the culture and performance of their team and organisation. Higher education is a changing dynamic environment. Hence ongoing relevant professional development is central to employee engagement and organisational performance.

Higher education is a changing dynamic environment. Hence ongoing relevant professional development is central to employee engagement and organisational performance.

The program will be held over five (5) workshops (12PM to 3:30PM AEST) and include short breaks. Workshops 2-5 will commence with reflection of the content of the previous workshop, to examine the key learnings from the workshop and discuss any actions attendees have taken away from the workshop.

The Program has three (3) themes:

  1. Leading People;
  2. Leading Performance; and
  3. Leading Strategy and Change.

Participants will be encouraged to engage in a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities of managing and leading strategically in higher education.

Learning Outcomes:

The program uses a multifaceted learning approach based on expert knowledge, published research, peer collaboration, self-reflection, class exercises and the practical application of theory to relevant case studies and workplace scenarios.


This program has been developed for those undertaking the ARMS Established Level Accreditation Program (ELAP).

Program Objectives

  • Identify ways to make lasting changes to an attendee’s management of self and leadership of others.
  • Identify, practice, and apply skills for improving staff management and managing challenging conversations.
  • Identify strategic strategies and skills to initiate or adapt to personal and work-related change.


Each Elective has a list of suggested pre-reading materials that are emailed to participants prior to the commencement of the first workshop. The pre-reading list will also serve as a future resource list for participants.


Your attendance is required in all five (5) sessions to successfully complete the Leadership, Management and Strategic Thinking program.  This program forms Element 1 of the Established Level Accreditation Program (ELAP) and is worth thirty (30) Accreditation points after attending all sessions and successfully completing the program assessment.


The Leadership, Management and Strategic Thinking Program includes a final assessment to be advised by the program presenter.


ARMS Members: $2290 AUD per elective (GST inclusive) - Price will be discounted in the Shopping Cart.
Non-Members: $2690 AUD per elective (GST inclusive)

Accreditation Points: Participants will be approved for thirty (30) accreditation points once the assessment has been successfully passed.

Zoom meeting link:

To be provided in email sent prior to commencement of the Leadership program.    

We strongly recommend you test your ability to connect to Zoom prior to the first session.

If you have any questions, please contact the ARMS Accreditation Program Administrator ARMSAccreditation@researchmanagement.org.au or +61 8 8201 5592.

Cancellation and Transfer Policy for Elements 1 and 2:

We understand that there may be extenuating circumstances which prohibit you from either commencing or completing Element 1. While registration for Elements 1 and 2 of the ELAP are non-cancellable or refundable, you will however be allowed to transfer your enrolment for another scheduled session throughout your three-year enrolment OR transfer your registration to another eligible ARMS member.

Any changes in enrolment circumstances must be made in writing to the ARMS Accreditation and Member Engagement Coordinator in the first instance, email ARMSAccreditation@researchmanagement.org.au.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for full details.

If you have any questions, please contact the ARMS Accreditation and Member Engagement Coordinator  ARMSAccreditation@researchmanagement.org.au or +61 8 8201 5592.

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