UP in ARMS - Issue 121 NEWSLETTER OF ARMS January - February 2022
![]() PRESIDENT'S UPDATE Welcome to 2022! It certainly has been an interesting start to the year as Omicron has swept through our region. However, I hope you have all been able to take time out to spend with these close to you, welcome in the New Year, and rejoice, reflect, recuperate and recover. I had the opportunity to spend some time in regional Victoria which was wonderful.
Last week, we held the first formal meeting of the new ARMS Board following an induction meeting in November 2021. It was fabulous to see such an engaged Board, carrying on from our previous Board. One of the important requirements for 2022 is to review many of the Terms of Reference for various committees and groups, as part of a periodical review process to ensure that the TORs and their functions are relevant. Watch out for further information on this including the opportunity to provide input. ARMS in association with the MyRMA, the Malaysian Research Management Association, is currently developing a bid to host the 2025 INORMS conference, which if successful would be held in Darwin. Regardless of the outcome, it has been really great to work collaboratively with MyRMA – and we look forward to further opportunities for cooperation and collaboration in the future. The hard work for this bid has been undertaken by a small group of volunteer members from both societies plus the support of the ARMS Executive Office.
I have been really impressed with the contributions of our members on the Bid Organising Committee. On that front, I’d really like encourage you to consider whether you might be able to make a contribution to ARMS someway in 2022 . For many of us, the start of the year is when you talk about your professional development, which can be both formal and experiential. Why not suggest to your manager that you volunteer in some way to support our society? If you’re not sure what might align with your skills or interests, just get in touch with the ARMS Executive Office. Please refer to the article below on how to get involved and enhance your research management career in 2022! Dr Tania Bezzobs ARMS President WHAT'S UP in ARMS? Update from the ARMS Board
There’s more to ARMS than just its broad range of industry recognized programs and events. In fact, there are a variety of opportunities to get involved in and to contribute to your profession while at the same time advancing your own research management career.
Why not consider?
Supporting you to attain excellence in your research management career is front and center of what we do. Consider becoming a volunteer in 2022, your research career will thank you for it!
Click here to learn more about getting involved with ARMS.
![]() RELEASE OF THE 2021 REPORT TO MEMBERS NOW AVAILABLE The Society is pleased to announce the release of the 8th annual ARMS Report to Members. This report is a celebration of the major achievements made by members of the ARMS community for the period ending 30 June 2021.
Sincere gratitude is extended to the many contributors of this report.
Click here to view the 2021 ARMS Report to Members.
![]() OUTCOME OF THE WEEKLY WRAP-UP SURVEY Members will be aware that in mid 2021, ARMS introduced the "Weekly Wrap-Up", an e-communication aimed at consolidating multiple communications into one weekly summary to members.
At the end of 2021, the ARMS Executive Office conducted a short survey to determine if members were satisfied with the content, format and frequency of this e-communication. The results of the survey showed that members were generally satisfied with the content and format but preferred a fortnightly distribution.
This is to advise that the distribution frequency will now change to fortnightly commencing from the 11th of February 2022.
The JoRMA is a new journal, having its first issue last year.
The journal is targeted at practitioners as well as researchers operating in the research management and administration field. Articles from practitioners in the field are encouraged.
Click here to read the first issue of the JoRMA jornal.
To find out more and for general enquiries, please contact Dr Ian Carter, i.carter@carter-resnav.co.uk member of the JoRMA Editorial Board.
The Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI) and the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) will be announcing next week the release of the long anticipated Practical Guide to Support Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs). While the online guide will provide an overview of the requirements of the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research, its main focus is to assist RIAs or those dealing with responsible conduct of research in the practical outworking of their responsibilities.
Details on how to access the guide will be circulated to the ARMS community next week.
![]() ARMS UNIVERSITY CONTACTING WORKING PARTY QUESTIONNAIRE - EXTENDED TO 18 FEBRUARY 2022 Through the Directors of Research Special Interest Group, the ARMS University Research Contracting Working Party was established to develop the principles, resources and frameworks that support efficient University to University contracting of research agreements.
In order to obtain a better understanding of the pain points, opportunities and best practices, the working group has designed a survey based around the Multi Institutional Agreement (MIA) as the document to bind them all. It is anticipated that the survey results should give us some enormously beneficial insights and acuity in helping understand the issues that Research Management Professionals are facing. It is anticipated that the survey results should give us some enormously beneficial insights and acuity in helping understand the issues that Research Management Professionals are facing.
Click on the link ARMS University Research Contracting Working Party: Questionnaire #1 to commence the survey.
The ARMS University Research Contracting Working Party will, through the course of the year, move to other parts of the research contracting lifecycle but felt that this is an important starting point.
Responses from offices that get involved in the contracting process including your legal office and knowledge transfer office are encouraged. We understand that processes differ across institutions and so we have not been prescriptive. It is anticipated that some of you may wish to seek feedback from other parts of the University separate to the Research Office; those offices need only comment on the questions they feel are relevant to them.
Responses by 18 February 2022 are appreciated.
We will be happy to provide you anonymised responses particular to your organisation – while we are working across the collective, you may find it helpful to inform research management provision within your institution.
Dr Jodi Clyde-Smith on behalf of the ARMS University Research Contracting Working Party.
![]() ARC LIEF MULTI-INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT (MIA) The Society is pleased to announce the release of Multi-Institutional Agreements (MIAs) for the following programs:
To download a copy, please click here to access via the ARMS portal.
We thank all our volunteer Corporate members for assisting in the review of these agreements.
The Research Administration as a Profession (RAAAP) longitudinal survey, asks questions about your experience as a research manager / research administrator, your most recent role, how you entered the field, your experience of research impact and engagement, and demographics (on your educational background, the country where you work, your age range, and gender).
Take the RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Survey now – this is the third iteration of the survey and focusses on “How I Became a Research Manager and Administrator”.
The Open Research Toolkit was created by the Open Research Working Group, comprising representatives of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL). The Toolkit supports Australasian institutions to implement or further develop open research policy, strategy and practice.
The Toolkit contains information, resources and good practice examples related to all aspects of open research, including policy, governance, pathways and processes. It also includes resources for individual researchers interested in engaging in open research practices and training materials for support services fostering open research within their organisations.
Visit the website for full details.
In order to disseminate information regarding the current and evolving Accreditation programs in a more targeted manner, ARMS will be sending out an Accreditation specific email to all ARMS members the week commencing 14 February 2022.
This email will cover the following areas:
Further enquiries can be directed to the ARMS Accreditation Program Administrator, Dana Watts on email ARMS.Adminofficer@flinders.edu.au.
Talking about things that have become more of an issue in HDR space:
Date: 24 February 2022 Time: 12pm-1pm AEDT Presenters: Prof Lucy Johnston and A/Prof Jeremiah Peiffer
PD Sessions @ Zoom: Promoting Research Culture and Building Research Capacity Among Early Career Researchers
This presentation will address research administrators to gain insights on best practises to strengthen research capacity among early career researchers.
Date: 16 March 2022 Time: 12pm-1pm AEDT Presenters: Dr Meenakshi Annamalai, Song Da (Kden) Tan and Yan Ru Rachael Tan
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ARMS/CASE 2022 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE More information coming soon... Stay up-to-date here. ![]()
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 2022 ARMS VIRTUAL CONFERENCE More information coming soon... Stay up-to-date here. ![]()
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 2022 ARMS VIRTUAL CONFERENCE More information coming soon... Stay up-to-date here. ![]()
![]() 2022 AEN VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: CALL FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE Expressions of interest are currently sought for Organising Committee members for the preparation and delivery of the 2022 Australasian Ethics Network (AEN) Virtual Conference in November 2022.
Volunteer members from across the geographical remit of ARMS are encouraged to apply to ensure a broad representation. If you have the commitment and drive to make a contribution and are able to participate as a volunteer in committee meetings and related activities, we’d love to hear from you!!
All Committee meetings will be via Zoom and held monthly initially and will increase closer to the conference.
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are sought from volunteer members who are committed to making the AEN 2022 conference the best yet!
Please note membership on the Committee will be capped.
Click here to download the EOI.
Please complete the attached EOI and send to lisa.beckham@flinders.edu.au by Friday 11 February 2022
![]() RESEARCH IMAPCT SIG Happy new year to the Research Impact SIG!
Your co-convenors for 2022 continue to be Faith Welch, Research Impact Manager at The University of Auckland (on maternity leave from March ’22), Tamika Heiden, Principal at Research Impact Academy, and Anna Hutchens, Manager Research Engagement and Impact at The Australian National University. We were delighted with the level of engagement with the monthly networking sessions in 2021 and the new conversations and connections these sparked, so have decided to continue these throughout 2022. These will be held on the last Friday of the month, with the first session of the year being held on Friday 25th February at 12pm AEST. Each month we’ll have a discussion topic and an invited guest to frame the conversation, with an aim for our community to meet and share ideas.
If you have any suggestions of speakers or feedback for the SIG, then please get in touch. We look forward to an impactful 2022!
![]() WA CHAPTER - END OF YEAR EVENT The WA Chapter ended the year with a celebratory get together in the city. We used the opportunity to say thank you and goodbye to two committee members, Ash Roberts from Curtin and Jenn Radford from Murdoch.
Dr Tobias Schoep, General Manager from Grow Impact shared his thoughts on Research professionals and their teams – the engine room of research organisations can also be engines of innovation. Insights into how to manage key stakeholders and navigate the internal processes for growing an innovation within a professional service team. The importance of managers, leaders and researchers with a supportive and growth mindset.
The Committee will reconvene early in the new year to plan 2022 activities in a COVID safe way!
Given the diversity and geographic spread of the research management community in our region, it’s important to be connected to get support and develop your skills and research practice. In recognition of this, this year the NZ-Pacific Chapter is focusing on how it can support the needs of its diverse membership and how it can better connect its members. We aim to do this in two ways:
If you are passionate about research and the role our profession plays in it, or you want to do more to invigorate our chapter, or you want to represent the interests of your part of the sector – we want you! – please consider expressing your interest in joining the Committee. We are specifically looking for people who:
The Committee meets four times a year and you should expect to commit on average an hour a month.
If you have any questions or know you want to put your hand up, contact maxine.bryant@agresearch.co.nz by 18 February.
The Committee currently consists of four members: Dr Maxine Bryant (incoming Convenor, AgResearch), Dr Simon Lovatt (Treasurer, University of Waikato), Dr John Milnes (outgoing Convenor, University of Otago), Dr Martin Gagnon (University of Otago).
The 2022 Up In ARMS Newsletter schedule is now available!
If you would like to contribute content, please note the deadlines below.
All enquiries about newsletter content can be directed to ARMS COO, Maria.Zollo@flinders.edu.au ![]()
CORPORATE PARTNERS ![]() ![]() ![]()
ARMS EXECUTIVE OFFICE CONTACTS Maria Zollo Chief Operating Officer
Phone: +61 8 8201 2525 Brett Dobson Management Accountant
Phone: +61 8 8201 2610 Lisa Beckham Conference & Major Events Coordinator
Phone: +61 8 8201 2911 Dana Watts Accreditation Program Administrator
Phone: +61 8 8201 5592 Kaeisha Kilmister Events & Administration Assistant
Phone: +61 8 8201 3701
Australasian Research Management Society
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