Electives form Element 2 of the Established Level Accreditation Program (ELAP) and introduce a variety of subjects that ELAP participants can choose from. These Electives serve as an opportunity for participants to enhance their knowledge and skills in specialised and relevant areas, all while fostering connections with like-minded peers who share similar passions and interests.

Interested participants can enrol in one or more electives as stand-alone professional development programs. The electives can count as credit towards future participation in the ARMS Established Level Accreditation Program (conditions apply).


Electives have no formal pre-requisites. They are designed for:

  • Mid-senior level Research Management Professionals interested in developing a deep, practical understanding of the topics; and
  • ARMFs - Accredited Research Managers (Foundation) or ARMAs - Accredited Research Managers (Advanced) seeking to broaden their practical understanding of the topics. It's important to note that completing an Elective automatically accrues Accreditation Points for those enrolled in the ELAP.


Each Elective includes a list of pre-reading materials that is emailed to participants before the workshop begins. The pre-reading list will also serve as a future resource list for participants.


At the conclusion of the workshops, participants will be invited to complete a non-compulsory assessment

This assessment is mandatory for those participants who are currently enrolled in the ELAP and those who will be registering in the ELAP within 12 months.


To enhance accessibility, Electives are delivered in a flexible format through a virtual meeting platform. This delivery approach includes structured, shorter meetings with the presenter(s), and breakout rooms for participants collaboration. The combined shorter online meetings will constitute a full-day workshop.

2025 Electives Schedule

  • Business Process Improvement in Research Management

    • Delivered by Assoc Prof/ Tam C Nguyen

    • Tuesday May 06 & Thursday May 15, 11AM to 3PM AEST

  • Maximising Research Impact: the role of Research Management Professionals in supporting impact to thrive

    • Delivered by Dr Faith Welch

    • Thursday June 05, 12 & 19, 11AM - 2PM AEST

  • Research funding: A pathway to best practice

    • Delivered by Professor Moira Clay

    • Thursday July 03, 10 & 17, 11AM - 2PM AEST

  • Informed Decision Making in Research Management: Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Methodologies,

    • Delivered by Simon Kerridge, Madhuri Dutta, Melinda Fischer, and Cristina Oliveira

    • Friday September 19, 10AM - 11AM AEST, Thursday September 25, 10AM - 1PM AEST & Friday November 07, 11AM - 3PM AEDT.

  • Due Diligence and Governance Considerations

    • Delivered by Mr Chris Thompson

    • Wednesday October 08, 15 & 22, 11:30AM - 2:30PM AEDT

As Electives become available for registration they will listed on the ARMS website under Register for Courses.

Accreditation Points

ELAP participants will receive ten (10) accreditation points upon successful completion of each Elective, including its assessment.

For enquiries please contact Dana Watts, Accreditation and Member Engagement Coordinator, at  ARMSAccreditation@researchmanagement.org.au or (08) 8201 5592.