The Society recognises the importance of members who volunteer their time, skills and expertise to support the delivery of high-quality services for the greater benefit of all members. 

In recognition of  the dedication and hard work of our volunteer members, the ARMS Board is pleased to introduce the "Honour Roll"- a self submitted listing on the ARMS website which formally acknowledges the contributions made by individual members. 

The Society values the ongoing support of all volunteer members, and this is a small gesture to recognise and celebrate your invaluable contributions! 

*Please note that the below honour roll is sorted alphabetically by last name.

F- J

To help populate the "Honour Roll" we invite all ARMS members who have made a contribution to the Society, no matter how big or small!!  Examples include active involvement on the ARMS Board, Chapter Committees, Special Interest Groups, Standing Committees, conference committees or as an authorised Training Fellow, just to name a few! 

To be featured in our honour roll, please submit the below from. As this provides ARMS with your permission, and accurate contributions.

Honour Roll Form