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One of our core strategic priorities is to continue to develop and elevate professional development for our members. We are committed to supporting Research Management Professionals at all stages of their careers, from those just starting out to emerging leaders and established experts. Our goal is to equip Research Management Professionals with the skills and knowledge required to navigate the increasingly complext research environment.
Our Accreditation Programs are structured on a points-based system, offering individuals greater flexibility and the ability to personalise their professional development journey. With over 700 graduates from the Foundation, Established and Advanced Level Accreditation Programs, this flexible framework allows participants to tailor their pathway to align with their unique career goals.
Pathway 1: Foundation Level (25 points) – This pathway is designed for indivudals starting their accreditation journey. It provides 25 points upon completion of the Foundation Level Accreditation Program (including the final assessment). These points may applied toward the progression into Pathways 2 and 3. Individuals currently completing Pathway 1 will not be affected by this model.
Pathway 2: Established Level (100 points) - This pathway allows Research Management Professionals to achieve accreditation at the Established Level with a total of 100 points. Points can include the 25 points earned from completing Pathway 1. Additional points may come from previous Advanced Level Accreditation (conditions apply). A minimum of 75 points must be earned through ARMS programs ARMS programs that include an assessment component.
Pathway 3: Advanced level (150 points) – The Advanced Level requires the accumulation of 150 points. This may include 100 points earned through Pathway 2, with the remaining 50 points coming from a workplace-based assessment.
This structured, points-based system is designed to empower Research Management Professionals with the tools to enhance their career trrajectory while adapting to the evolving needs of the research landscape.