A key strategic priority of  ARMS is to foster the development of excellent research management professionals by offering a diverse and broadly accessible accreditation program, alongside other professional development opportunities. 

To support this priority, ARMS transitioned to a points-based accreditation structure in late 2020, encompassing accreditation at both the Foundation and Advanced levels. While Foundation and Advanced programs have been well subscribed with over 700 graduates, the points-based freamework provides greater flexibility, enabling individuals to tailor their accreditation journey to meet their unique career aspirations.


Pathway 1:  Foundation Level (25 points) – The Accreditation Council approved a model of assigning 25 points to candidates that had completed the current Foundation Level Accreditation Program (including the final assessment). These points may be used as credit for pathways 2 and 3 and there will be no impact on individuals currently completing pathway 1: Foundation Level.  


Pathway 2: Established Level (100 points)  - The Accreditation Council approved a model where an individual accumulating 100 points would achieve Accreditation at the Established Level.  These points may include the completion of Pathway 1: Foundation Level (25 points).  Elements of the previous Advanced Level Accreditation may be utilised as points toward the accumulation of 100 points (some conditions may apply).  The Accreditation Council has ruled that overall a minimum of 75 points out of the 100 accumulated points must be drawn from ARMS programs that have an assessment component.  


Pathway 3:  Advanced level (150 points) – The Accreditation Council approved a model where an individual accumulating 150 points would achieve Accreditation at the Advanced Level. Points must be drawn from the completion of Pathway 2 (100 points), with the remaining points drawn from the completion of a workplace based assessment (50 points).

Click here to view the ARMS Accreditation Policy