To say that the first half of 2020 has been challenging would be a sentiment with which, I’m sure, most people would agree. Whilst we have all individually been busy adapting to the new demands placed on our work and personal lives, ARMS has also been focused on the issues facing our organisations and what needs to be done to meet the evolving needs of our member community.
I have covered many aspects of this in previous newsletters and you can read about recent and upcoming activities elsewhere in this edition of Up in ARMS.
As a not for profit organisation, ARMS is driven by members to deliver benefits for members. In this introductory piece, I want to acknowledge the important contributions that have been made by the many of you who volunteer your time for the betterment of the Society. It is a privilege to witness the dedication and professionalism of those members who commit their skill and experience to plan, guide, and deliver events; who offer training and provide assessment; and, importantly, who share information and knowledge with colleagues from across the sector.
My many conversations with members have demonstrated the benefits that individuals get from taking on these roles – in refining ideas, enhancing skills, developing experience, building networks, and the fulfilment that comes from building the future of our profession. It is the engagement in these activities that give me confidence that ARMS is built on a shared vision of its members (encapsulated by our tagline of Enabling Global Research Excellence) and is a society replete with leaders who work towards making that vision a reality.
The ARMS Board and Executive Office are continually looking for ways to offer new opportunities for members to engage. As an example, in the coming weeks we will be launching a promotion of our existing Special Interest Groups and announcing some new initiatives. There are also frequently calls for new members of various Chapter Committees and for Training Fellows for the suite of professional development modules. We will also soon be opening for nominations for several positions on the ARMS Board.
To those who have already found ways to share your expertise with the ARMS community: thank you for your very real leadership as we have transitioned activities to a virtual format. To those who are still to identify the best opportunity to contribute your talents: please reach out to the Executive Office and they will support you to find your niche(s).
In whatever way you can engage, I look forward to working with you all during the remainder of my term as President to provide our collective leadership for ARMS as it moves forward.
Dr Ross McLennan ARMS President
Update from the ARMS Board
Membership Renewal Notices for Corporate Members, Small Corporate Members and Individual Members for the period commencing 1 July 2020 and ending 30 June 2021 have now been issued. If you have any questions relating to your renewal invoice or haven't received one, please do not hesitate to contact the ARMS Management Accountant, Brett Dobson - email
PD Sessions @ Zoom - Continues to be a hugely popular professional development offering to all ARMS members. These are currently free of charge to ARMS members and a nominal registration fee for non-members. Refer to separate article in this newsletter for full details.
Delivery of Foundation Level Accreditation Program (FLAP) - In our previous newsletter, we advised that the following modules are being transferred into an online format (via moodle):
Module 1.1-Aus: National Research and Innovation System in Australia; Module 1.2-Aus: Legislation as it Affects Research in Australia; and Module 1.3: Understanding Research and Researchers,
We are pleased to advise that these are all on track for delivery in this new format. Updates will be provided via this newsletter and as stand alone communications to all ARMS members.
Research Integrity Advisors Training Module (a collaboration between ARMS and AAMRI). The joint ARMS/AAMRI working group has held regular zoom meetings to discuss chapter outlines and writing is now proceeding. Each chapter is being written by an ARMS/AAMRI pair to ensure that content is applicable across both sectors. A meeting is being scheduled for the week of 22nd July to assess initial chapter drafts. Further updates will be provided to members over the coming weeks.
Interested in learning more about the Research and Innovation system in the UK and the impact Brexit is likely to have on research? ARMS will be shortly opening registrations for a new Foundation Level Accreditation Program Elective on this topic. The workshop will be delivered by Dr Ian Carter, a research management practitioner with over 30 years industry experience. The workshop is expected to be delivered via zoom over two session in late August/early September. If you are interested in attending, please drop us a line
Advanced Level Accreditation Program (ALAP) – A reminder that due to the current COVID-19 situation, the ARMS Board has recommended the postponement of the ALAP until 2021. Although, while the program in its entirety will not be offered, one element will - Element 2: Electives and this will form the basis for the 2020 ARMS Winter School. For those participants enrolling in Winter School Electives, credit can be obtained on these courses if you successfully complete the post workshop assessment AND enrol in the entire ALAP within a two year period. Please refer to article below regarding the 2020 Winter School.
ARMS Winter School 2020 - A wide range of workshop topics are still available for registration as follows:
• Managing Complex Strategic Partnerships - starting 13 July;
• Advanced Clinical Research Management - starting 20 July;
• Securing International Research Funding - starting 27 July, and • Data Driven Research Improvement - starting 30 July.
Interested in attending? Visit the website for more details and how to register.
Here's why...
As we have now moved to the new website/portal, it is required that you re-join your Special Interest Group (SIG) and Chapter through the portal. We have created some helpful guides to assist you with completing this.
On Thursday 11 June we hosted a Trivia session as part of our ARMS Virtual Event on Managing through and emerging from the Crisis. The quiz consisted of 5 rounds of 10 questions with the themes of general knowledge, music, movies/TV, Who am I? and most importantly Research Management!
We are pleased to announce the winner of the Trivia with 34991 points Dr Alexander Lugg.
ARMS Member's Portal Operational Guide, Now Available!
The Society launched a fully integrated website and portal on the 12th of March 2020.
A much needed overhaul of the existing system was required to enable a more streamlined integration of our accounting system and e-way, our communication platform and the integration of a Learning Management System (LMS) as we start to transition more accreditation and professional development offerings online.
To assist members in navigating through the new website and portal, the Executive Office has compiled a new Member's Portal Operational Guide.
COVID-19 has changed the way we communicate, we work and we connect with one another on a daily basis.ARMS has created a dedicated resource page as an additional support to members. This resource page provides examples of the many number of dedicated organisations there to support you through these unprecedented times. Members are also invited to view the recent webinar on “Mental Health and Relational Safety in a COVID-19 World” presented by Professor Nicholas Procter, RN MBA PhD from UniSA.
PD Sessions @ Zoom are scheduled between 12 pm and 1 pm AEST
unless noted otherwise.
ARMAs and ARMFs - Note that these sessions will automatically accrue 1 hour of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Information on each session, including registration and Zoom log-in details, will be sent to ARMS members prior to each event and posted as an event on the ARMS Events page.
14th July - Tuesday
NZ/Pacific Island Chapter
Removing the anxiety around Indigenous engagement and conversations
Presenter(s): Ms Jaylene Wehipeihana, University of Auckland and Dr Faith Welch, University of Auckland
August 26th - Wednesday Tasmania Chapter
Writing a strong job application for the research administration sector.
Presenter(s): Dr Regina Magierowski
September 10th - Thursday
Health and Medical Research Special Interest Group
Mental Health Management for Research Management Professionals
Presenter(s): Dr Debra Wood, University of Canberra
October - TBC QLD/ NT /PNG Chapter Presenter(s): TBC
October 13th - Tuesday NSW Chapter
“Grantsmanship on a shoestring: a time-efficient approach”
Presenter(s): Dr Thorsten Kostulski and Dr James Walsh, UTS Research Capability and Development Team
December 2nd - Wednesday VIC Chapter
Our Identity: Research Management as a profession in a global context
Presenter(s): Dr Bryony Wakefield
Date TBC NZ/Pacific Islands Chapter
Topic: TBC Presenter(s): TBC
Accredited Research Managers (Foundation) or ARMFs and Accredited Research Managers (Advanced) or ARMAs, are now able to lodge CPD claims via the CPD diary in their member portals. Whereas we previously sent a link to supervisors for approval, members are now requested to attach a supporting email from their supervisor or other supporting documentation to the claim. Please note:
- ARMS will now automatically approve CPD that has accrued from your registration and attendance to a PD Sessions @ Zoom or attendance at an ARMS in-house event, such as the annual ARMS conference. The number of CPD hours accrued for these events will be listed on the event registration page and will automatically accrue to your CPD Diary.
- Completed modules will now be listed in the CPD Diary. Those individuals who are not Accredited will see these entries in the diary with "0" hours of CPD. Those Accredited members that have completed additional modules over and above the minimum modules required for accreditation will see the relevant hours accrued in their CPD Diary.
- We are still working with our Portal Developer to rectify a data migration issues resulting in some modules not being shown in a member's portal as completed courses. Thank you again for your patience while we transition through this process.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding CPD please contact the ARMS Accreditation Program Administrator email
Chapter and SIG Updates/Events
All SIGs
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Chapter and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have been instructed to consider alternative ways to deliver local events. Some of these events now form part of the PD Sessions @ Zoom series, enabling all ARMS members access to much needed content during this period. Stay tuned for future events within your SIG!
The ARMS SIGs are a great way of connecting with the ARMS community.
Please note that through the transition to the new website, it is required that you re-join your SIG group through the portal. Please view instructions here, how to complete this.
ACT Chapter
As expected it has been a quiet first half of the year for the ACT Chapter, with the COVID-19 pandemic preventing any face-to face-meetings in the past few months. However, ACT members remain engaged via the numerous zoom PD sessions and the ARMS virtual conference.
Word on the street is that members highly appreciated them. The ACT Chapter hosted the recent “Shaking Hands with Uncle Sam” PD Session, and based on its success, they are excited to host more events of this type in the future.
As we are coming to the end of the financial year, the ACT Chapter will hold its AGM on 2nd July. It is an open invitation to all members to join the Chapter and take a more active role in ARMS, as a number of key positions will be open.
The Chapter would like to take this opportunity to thank Shubhra Roy, who has been a key Chapter member in the past seven years, playing different roles in the Chapter, including Convenor from 2013 to 2017 and Secretary from 2018 until 2020. With her ongoing enthusiasm, collegiality and professionalism, she ensured that the Chapter was thriving and vibrant, meeting the diverse needs of its members by offering a large array of highly valued and pertinent professional development opportunities. Thanks Shubhra!
Research Impact SIG
WEBINAR: Hosted by the University of Auckland - A Treaty-based approach to creating impact: aligning the expectations of individual researchers and their organisations to achieve collective impact.
Date: Monday 6th July 2020, 10.30 AM - 11.30 AM AEST
Register here
Remember to connect with the ARMS Research Impact group through the ARMS forum or LinkedIn Group.
NSW Chapter
The NSW Chapter recently hosted a member networking session via Zoom as part of the ARMS Virtual Event ‘Managing through and emerging from the Crisis’
Following an ice breaker session where members had to find the most interesting thing around them beginning with the letter L (we saw laminators and lime green weights to name but a few), the session focused on how members have adapted during COVID19. It was great to hear all the positive experiences of working from home and all the lessons learned that we can take forward when things ‘get back to normal’. The NSW Chapter is interested in hosting more virtual networking sessions and welcomes ideas for discussion topics.
Following a recent call for new Chapter Committee members, we are pleased to advise that 3 new members will join the NSW Chapter from August. They will replace 3 long standing members whose term is coming to an end. We look forward to welcoming our new members at our next meeting in July and finalising their appointments. Further details about our new Chapter Committee members will be provided in future newsletters as well as a farewell to those retiring from the Chapter Committee.
Accreditation, Professional Development and Training
ARMS Foundation Level Accreditation 2020 Program
Due to COVID-19 restrictions affecting the face to face delivery of Foundation Level modules, ARMS has made the decision to move some of the Foundation Level modules to online learning platforms.
ARMS is pleased to announce that more elective modules will be delivered over the next several months via Zoom. In order to maintain a reasonable number of participants in each meeting, registrations will be capped at 15 members per module.
Modules to be Delivered via Zoom Meeting with dates to be confirmed:
2.1: Pre-Award Grants Processes
2.2: Post-Award Processes
4.2: Research Integrity
6.1: Working with Industry
2020 ARMS WINTER SCHOOL - LIMITED Spaces still available
ARMS is pleased to announce that the 2020 Winter School is currently running with one elective completed, 2 electives underway and 4 electives starting in July. Vacancies are still available for those wishing to take up the offer to join one of the remaining 4 Winter School elecives. Please log into your portal to register for one of these rewarding workshops.
To enable easier accessibility, electives will be delivered in a flexible format via the online Zoom platform. This delivery approach will involve structured, shorter meetings with the presenter(s), and breakout rooms for participants to collaborate. The sum of the shorter online meetings will equate to a full day workshop. During the workshops, participants will develop knowledge and skills in a specialised, relevant area, network with other participants and have an enjoyable time!
Interested participants can enrol in one, two or more electives as stand-alone professional development programs. The electives can count as credit towards future participation in the ARMS Advanced Level Accreditation Program (conditions apply) or as CPD for ARMFs and ARMAs. Details are available on the ARMS website.
Senior Grant Development Officer
Export Control and Security Manager
From the ARMS Executive Office
ARMS acknowledges the generous support of our corporate partners:
ARMS Executive Office Contacts
ARMS Chief Operating Officer
Phone: +61 8 8201 2525
ARMS Management Accountant
Phone: +61 8 8201 2610
ARMS Conference and Major Events Coordinator
Phone: +61 8 8201 2911
ARMS Administration Officer
Phone: +61 8 8201 2911
ARMS Accreditation Program Administrator
Phone: +61 8 8201 5592
Email the ARMS Executive Office
Newsletter Content and Release Dates for 2020
See below dates for the submission of content and distribution of the e-newsletter for 2020.
13 Jul 20
10 Aug 20
07 Sept 20
06 Oct 20
01 Dec 20
20 Jul 20
17 Aug 20
14 Sept 20
12 Oct 20
07 Dec 20
Week of 27 Jul 20
Week of 24 Aug 20
Week of 21 Sept 20
Week of 16 Oct 20
Week of 11 Dec 20
ARMS has been experiencing intermittent email issues.
If you receive a bounce back and are unsure who to contact, please email and your enquiry will be forwarded to the relevant person.
We apologise for any inconvenience!