PRESIDENT'S UPDATE January - February 2021
A belated Happy New Year to all members of ARMS. Whilst the majority will already be well into the work of 2021, I hope that you have each embarked on the year with renewed energy and that this proves to be a healthy, productive, and enjoyable 12 months for you and your loved ones.
It is easy to look back on 2020 and just be grateful that it is over. That we survived the challenges that it presented. Whilst we should, of course, be grateful for seeing in the beginning of another year, it is important that we also celebrate all that we, the research management community, achieved in the face of these obstacles. At an individual level, you each adapted working practices whilst continuing to deliver quality service and develop your personal capabilities.
Within institutions, my observation has been that collaboration within and between teams and understanding across functional areas has increased even more than before the impacts of COVID-19 swept across our working and personal lives – tackling the wave of unexpected activities that were caused by restrictions to research activities (how many contract variations!) whilst maintaining business-as-usual. As a profession, there was a seemingly unquenchable appetite for:
- Education and professional development;
- Connection with peers to share stories and ideas;
- Fora to hear from key stakeholders and to give and receive honest feedback; and
- ARMS to play a key role in delivering these opportunities.
I hope that the Society delivered activities that helped you to progress through last year and to position you well for the future. The Executive Office, Board, Accreditation Council and other formal bodies have already been busy this year – reviewing, reflecting, and planning for this year to be even more successful in delivering a wider range of benefits to members. We will be sharing more details as we move through the year.
ARMS is constituted to provide for its members, you. To achieve this we will continue to listen to your suggestions and will incorporate best practice from across the globe to continue to evolve the events, education, and resources that we make available. I look forward to engaging with as many of you as possible in the months ahead.
Dr Ross McLennan
ARMS President
Update from the ARMS Board
ARMS Education and Professional Development Committee - Vacancies Are Still Available
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to join the ARMS Education and Professional Development Committee now extended until 15 February 2021. Visit the website for more details.
Announcement of Recent Graduate of the Advanced Level Accreditation Program ARMS is pleased to announce that Ms Katie Jones from the University of Auckland recently completed all requirements for accreditation at the Advanced Level. Katie will now join 42 other individuals who share the post nominal Accredited Research Manager (Advanced) or ARMA. A full list of ARMAs is available on the ARMS website
ARC/NHMRC Multi-Institutional Agreements Available on ARMS Website
Multi-Institutional Agreements are now available for:
- ARC 2021 LIEF Program
- ARC 2021 Discovery Program
- NHMRC Grants MIA template
- NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Study MIA template
- NHMRC Investigator grant collaboration agreement template
These can be downloaded from the ARMS website under “Resources”
Key Meeting Dates for March 2021
Upcoming meetings for the month of March are as follows:
- Member Services Committee (MSC) - 2 March 2021
- Education and Professional Development Committee (EPDC) - 4 March 2021
- Governance, Finance and Audit Committee (GFAC) - 10 March 2021
- Accreditation Council - 25 March 2021
- ARMS Board - 26 March 2021
In light of the continued uncertainty caused by the pandemic, ARMS and the AEN Advisory has made the regrettable decision to postpone its biennial Conference in 2021 for delivery in 2022.
The health and wellbeing of our delegates and sponsors is our key priority, and the AEN Advisory Group are currently looking at options for more focused sessions throughout 2021/2022.
At this stage, planned state-based face to face events are being considered in collaboration with ARMS for delivery in July 2021. Further details shall be provided to members via direct communication and the ARMS website over the coming weeks.
If you have any further event enquiries, please email the ARMS Conferences and Major Events Coordinator, Ms Grace Mulraney email
Convenor AND General Committee Member Openings Available
The ARMS Board is calling for membership from current members to serve on the Conferences and Major Events Committee (CMEC).
Purpose of the Conferences and Major Events Committee The CMEC shall advise on major events including the annual Society conference, the biennial Australasian Ethics Network (AEN) conference and, when necessary, the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) Congress, as well as any other major events held by or in association with the Society from time to time (e.g. the Australasian Research Training Network events). Given the current events climate, it is expected the CMEC will meet up to 3 times in 2021 via online Zoom meeting.
Application Process Interested members are required to complete an EOI template to register their interest. All applications will be assessed by the ARMS Executive Office and current CMEC members. EOIs will be assessed against a range of skills and experience criteria which are required to be addressed by the applicant.
To apply, please refer to:
EOI Template
Terms of Reference
Any further enquiries can be directed to
EOIs are due by 5PM AEDT FRIDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2021
Convenor AND General Committee Member Openings Available
The Tasmania Chapter Committee has openings for two Convenors and other members effective immediately. The term of a committee member is two years for no more than two consecutive terms (i.e., up to four years in total).
Application Process Interested members are required to complete an EOI template to register their interest. All applications will be assessed by the ARMS Executive Office and current TAS Chapter members. EOIs will be assessed against a range of skills and experience criteria which are required to be addressed by the applicant.
To apply, please refer to:
EOI Template
Terms of Reference
Any further enquiries can be directed to
EOIs are due by 5PM AEDT FRIDAY 12 MARCH 2021
The ARMS Executive Office are in the final planning stages for the PD Sessions @ Zoom offerings for 2021! Sessions are scheduled between 12pm and 1pm AEDT unless noted otherwise.
Information on each session, including registration and Zoom log-in details, will be sent to ARMS members prior to each event and posted as an event on the ARMS Events page.
Friday 19th February 2021
'Disseminating Research Through an Online Magazine'
Presenter: Lesley Brook, Otago Polytechnic NZ
March 17th - Wednesday
WA Chapter
Research Management Careers for the Future: preparing yourself and communicating your skills to different audiences
Presenters: Presenters Karen Thompson, (Communicate U) and; Kathleen Franklyn (Curtin University Careers)
April 14th - Wednesday
Session: To be Advised
Would you like to see your Chapter or SIG host a PD Session in this timeslot? Contact ARMS!
May 12th - Wednesday
Session: To be Advised
Would you like to see your Chapter or SIG host a PD Session in this timeslot? Contact ARMS!
June 23rd - Wednesday
VIC Chapter
Change Management: how to make it work for the individual, the team and the organisation.
Presenters: Dr Bryony Wakefield, The University of Melbourne and Tania Finn Angelo
July 21st - Wednesday
Research Funders SIG
Grant establishment - Going from award notification to project commencement, navigation through all the funding body and admin institutional requirements and compliance in an efficient/streamlined process
Presenter: TBC
August 11th - Wednesday
SA Chapter
Building transdisciplinary research collaborations
Presenter: TBC
October 6th - Wednesday
QLD, NT Chapter
Session: To be advised
Presenters: To be advised
November 17th - Wednesday
Research Impact SIG
How to build a research culture where researchers engage with industry, policy makers and communities?
Presenters: To be advised
December 8th - Wednesday
Session: To be Advised
Would you like to see your Chapter or SIG host a PD Session in this timeslot? Contact ARMS!
We hope you can join us for the upcoming PD Sessions @ Zoom series!
We encourage you to mark the above dates as a placeholder in your calendar. Please note - as the above sessions remain in the final planning stages, titles and presenters may change.
ARMAs and ARMFs - Note that these sessions will automatically accrue 1 hour of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Sessions are free of charge to all ARMS members and non-members can register to attend these sessions for $50.00.
ARMS offered a series of 15 well subscribed PD Sessions @ Zoom over the course of 2020!
Are you looking to revisit a session you attended?
Or did you miss any of our sessions?
Catch up on all the recordings on the ARMS website here.
Not receiving Chapter or SIG Communication Emails?
Here's why...
As we have now moved to the new website/portal, it is required that you re-join your Special Interest Group (SIG) and Chapter through the portal. We have created a helpful guide to assist you with completing this.
Accredited Research Managers (Foundation) or ARMFs and Accredited Research Managers (Advanced) or ARMAs, please note that ARMS' in-house events (registrations taken on the ARMS website) will automatically accrue CPD hours and there is no need for you to enter CPD separately in your CPD Diaries.
Examples may include PD Sessions @ Zoom, ARMS virtual events and Winter School electives.
Chapter and SIG Updates/Events
Research Impact SIG
Monthly networking sessions
The ARMS Research Impact Special Interest Group will be holding monthly networking sessions in 2021. These will be held on the last Friday of the month, with the first session on Friday 29th January at 12pm AEDT. Each month we’ll ask a SIG member or two to share an impact initiative they are part of and we will have a discussion topic to loosely frame the conversation. The aim of the sessions is for our community to meet and share ideas. Make sure you have registered to join the Research Impact SIG on the ARMS portal to receive communications about these events. You can also receive updates by joining us on our LinkedIn page here.
Impact through Culture Change webinar series
The ‘Impact through Culture Change’ webinar series is hosted by the University of Auckland and focuses on the achievement of impact from the perspective of organisational change, looking at the different approaches and initiatives that have been developed to enable research to make a difference to society. On Monday 15th February, Dr Wade Kelly (Senior Coordinator, Research Impact at La Trobe University, Melbourne) will be exploring how impact is being nurtured within the University and will reflect on successes and challenges in growing support for research impact in “One Conversation at a Time: Embedding Impact at La Trobe”. You can register for the event here. All previous episodes of the webinar series can be found on FigShare.
Please check the Special Interest Group webpage of the ARMS website to join this SIG.
Research Information and Reporting SIG
Aggregate Ranking of Top Universities (ARTU)
The ARTU, an initiative of the University of New South Wales, is a league table based on the annual University Rankings of Times Higher Education (THE), Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). ARTU orders the Top 400 universities by their aggregate score of all these rankings to provide a realistic reflection of a university’s overall position relative to its peers.
Originally launched in 2019, an update of ARTU was released at the end of 2020. Members are invited to the first Research Information and Reporting SIG online session for 2021, presented by Thomas Chow, Director, Research Analysis, Data and Reporting at UNSW, who will discuss the how and why ARTU was established. The event will be facilitated by Michelle Duryea , RIR SIG Convenor, from Edith Cowan University (MAICD, Fellow of ARMS).
Date: Friday, 12th March 2021
Time: 2.30pm – 3.30pm AEDT
To register for this online session, please visit the Events page of the ARMS website to register.
Please check the Special Interest Group webpage of the ARMS website to join this SIG.
Research Directors SIG
The Research Directors SIG welcomes new Co-Convenors of the SIG: Dr Jane Holt from RMIT University, Mr Andrew Johnson from the University of New England and Dr Robert Rigby from the Australian National University (ANU).
Please note: Membership of this SIG is by invitation only.
Accreditation, Professional Development and Training
ARMS Foundation Level Accreditation Program
ARMS wishes to advise that the following modules are open for registration on the ARMS portal. These online modules will continue being available for purchase/registration in 2021 and may be started at any time. Please go to the Events section of the ARMS website to register.
Module 1.1-Aus - The National Research and Innovation System in Australia
Module 1.2-Aus - Legislation as it Affects Research in Australia
Module 1.3 - Understanding Research and Researchers
ARMS Foundation Level Accreditation Program
2021 Schedule
We are pleased to advise that the 2021 Accreditation program schedule is currently being finalised and will be published on the ARMS website in late February/early March. Most modules will be delivered using the Zoom platform with delivery dates starting in May 2021. Please continue to monitor the ARMS website for the most up to date information.
Projects Officer (Projects Portfolio
From the ARMS Executive Office
ARMS acknowledges the generous support of our corporate partners:
ARMS Executive Office Contacts
ARMS Chief Operating Officer
Phone: +61 8 8201 2525
ARMS Management Accountant
Phone: +61 8 8201 2610
Grace Mulraney & Sophie Zervas
ARMS Conference and Major Events Coordinators
Phone: +61 8 8201 2911 Workdays: Tuesday - Friday only
ARMS Accreditation Program Administrator
Phone: +61 8 8201 5592
Email the ARMS Executive Office
ARMS has been experiencing intermittent email issues.
Please contact your organisations IT department and request to whitelist the following IP addresses (range to 24).
If you receive a bounce back and are unsure who to contact, please email and your enquiry will be forwarded to the relevant person.
We apologise for any inconvenience!