Dr Jodie Richardson is the Research Manager in the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney. Her team provides strategic support for grant applications across the Faculty of Science, aids with grant establishment and Post-Award matters, provides development opportunities to researchers and conducts strategic projects to maximise the support offerings.

Jodie started her career in research with a PhD from the University of Sydney in Microbiology. She then became a research scientist managing mainly industry-based research projects spanning areas of Molecular Biology, Agriculture, Horticulture and Soil Science. 

Jodie has worked in Research Support since 2016 when she became the Manager of an ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub. She then moved to Faculty based support roles at the University of Sydney, first as a Lead in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, then Research Support Manager in the School of Business and now the Research Manager in the Faculty of Science.

For a larger proportion of her career Jodie was based away from the central campus and often in what the University considered to be remote locations. It was an isolating experience with limited career development opportunities. As a consequence, Jodie is passionate about providing inclusive activities that are accessible to isolated or remote colleagues.