Australasian Ethics Network (AEN)

Australia has a very successful ethics review process that involves the review of research proposals by institutional human research ethics committees (HRECs). Ethical review is guided by the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007, Updated 2018) which underpins the values and principles of ethical conduct and guides HRECs in deliberating ethical issues raised by human research.  HRECs use their judgement and expertise to review research to facilitate ethically sound research and ensure participant rights are respected in the research context.

The Australasian Ethics Network (AEN) provides a platform for those involved in human research ethics (researchers, ethics committee members and chairs, and administrators) to network, share their ideas, processes, experiences and views.

AEN activities are coordinated by the AEN Advisory Group:

Chair: Dr Karolyn White, Macquarie University

  • Dr Nitya Phillipson, VIC
  • Dr Jeremy Kenner, VIC
  • Dr Ted Rohr, UNSW
  • Dr Anne Walsh, QLD
  • Ms Adele Kay, TAS
  • Dr David Hunter, SA
  • Dr Leanne McRae, WA
  • Dr Ian Pieper, ACT

The AEN has a proud history of hosting conferences and events and attracted diverse audiences to discuss topical issues in human research ethics and integrity. The principles of ethical research and human research ethics review is also covered in the ARMS foundation level accreditation program. See Module 4.1: Research Ethics - Human and Animal for more information.

View the content of the NSW AEN 2015 Seminar Day and Videos here.