This category is designed for those members whose dues are covered under a group by their employing organisation, which is actively engaged in, or supports the research enterprise. 

ARMS convened a Special General Meeting on 7 December 2022 to vote on a resolution to implement a revised corporate membership structure with membership fees determined by tier level. This resolution was accepted and the new corporate membership tiers are shown below.


Tier 1 Corporate Membership Unchanged from existing membership-fee structure in terms of cost structure. 2024/2025 FY = AUD $4,000 inc GST.

  • Research organisations - Up to AUD$50m external research revenue in the most recent financial year); OR
  • Funding agencies/organisations and councils) - Up to AUD$50m in external grant funding (distributed to other organisations) managed in the most recent financial year; or
  • Other organisations not elsewhere covered – Up to AUD$30m total expenditure.


Tier 2 Corporate MembershipNew. 2024/2025 FY = AUD$5,600 inc GST.

  • Research organisations - AUD $50m-$99.99m in external research revenue in the most recent financial year; or
  • Funding agencies/organisations/councils – AUD$50 m - AUD$99.99m in external grant funding management in the most recent financial year; or 
  • Other organisations not elsewhere classified, AUD$30m-AUD$60m expenditure.


Tier 3 Corporate MembershipNew. 2024/2025 FY = AUD$7,840 inc GST. 

  • Research Organisation - >AUD $100m external research revenue in the most recent financial year); or
  • Funding agencies/organisations/council - > AUD$100m in external grant funding managed in the most recent financial year; or 
  • Other organisations not elsewhere classified, AUD >$60m expenditure.

Please note all figures above exclude GST, pro rating will take place at checkout.

To register as a new corporate membership, please contact the ARMS Executive Office in the first instance