The Accreditation Council plays an important role in the accreditation process, overseeing quality standards of module content and delivery agents and providing a measure of independence from the ARMS Board over accreditation recommendations.
The Accreditation Council includes representation from:
- A person who served in the position of Pro or Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) - Professor Alastair McEwan, Australian Research Council (Chair).
- A person who served in the position of Director of a Research Office - Dr Melissa Straffon, Executive Manager: Research Office, CSIRO.
- A Board member of ARMS - Dr Tania Bezzobs, Director of Research Services, University of Technology, Sydney.
- A person who has served in the position of General Manager/Chief Operating Officer of an Independent Medical Research Institute - Ms Kate Gunn, COO, Children's Medical Research Institute.
- Two members from key Australian Agencies involved in the research and innovation system, including but not limited to CSIRO, ARC, NHMRC, the Cooperative Research Austraila (CRA) - Ms Claire Forsyth, Australia Research Council and Ms Prue Torrance, National Health and Medical Research Council.
- A member drawn from key New Zealand agencies involved in research and innovation - Ms Joanne Looyen, Manager, Service Design and Report, Science System Investment and Performance, Labour, Science and Enterprise Group, MBIE, NZ.
- A member drawn from key Singaporean agency involved in research and innovation - Professor Andy Hor, Deputy Chief Executive, A*Star Singapore.
- Sharon Aburn, ARMS Board Liaison and representative on the ARMS Education and Professional Development Committee.
- Maria Zollo, ARMS Chief Operating Officer, In attendance.
- Dana Watts, ARMS Accreditation and Member Engagement Coordinator, In attendance.
The initial Chair will be the person who has served in the position of Deputy/Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) and will occupy this position for three years.
Future Chairs will be drawn from the membership of the Accreditation Council.
The Accreditation Council receives secretariat support from the ARMS Executive Office