ARMS-INORMS 2024 Travel Awards for 2025

Closing Date - 5 PM AEST 20 September 2024

Applications to be submitted to

ARMS recognises the importance of offering its members opportunities to develop collaborations beyond our region and to gain exposure to international research management best practice.

INORMS is the International Organisation for Research Management Societies. Its purpose is to enable interactions, sharing of good practice, and joint activities between the member societies, to the benefit of their individual memberships.

ARMS-INORMS 2024 Travel Awards for 2025 are intended to provide financial assistance for members to travel to the biennial conference. The 2025 INORMS Conference shall be held in Madrid, Spain from 6-8 May 2025.

The Congress will feature a variety of plenary sessions, seminars and workshops covering key research management topics, specifically exploring the theme, “A sustainable profession in a sustainable world”. The programme will be enhanced by a variety of opportunities for delegates to develop their personal and professional skills.

The Society may allocate up to 5 (five) awards in this current call to an upper limit of AUD$3,000 per award. The number and value of the awards may vary, depending on the quality of applications received.


Nomination Form